Swim Coach

Jin has been coaching swim for over two years and currently offers private and semi-private swim lessons. Jin coaches with an emphasis on biomechanics; as she says to her kids in the water “safety is most important,” and she believes this to also be true on land.

“Do the best swim you can do

To be the best swimmer you can be

& may the best you swam win

Every swimming day” – Coach Jin



Run Lab

Jin Lenhart is a NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) Certified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach. She was born in China, adopted at age two and grew up in State College, Pennsylvania. Jin ran track in both middle & high school, as well as ran cross country her freshman and sophomore years before moving to Austin, Texas in 2013. After sustaining countless muscular-skeletal injuries due to hyper-mobility, months of physical therapy, and doctors telling her to do anything but run, Jin realized how important biomechanics truly were in her ability and efficacy to run. She saw such an improvement that she was determined to help improve the lives of others, and so she did (she joined RunLab). If Jin is not outside running, she is probably still outside hiking, cycling, swimming, or SUP-ing with her two dogs: Torchy & Mesquite.

“The RunLab team loves to tackle any and all running-related issues, from performance limiters and efficiency problems to complex or confusing injuries that have garnered the dreaded “you should just take up cycling” statement from the medical world. RunLab has grown to earn the trust of thousands of runners through performance-centric treatment plans, full body gait analysis, and a fantastic treatment team of specialists who are all dedicated runners.” – Run Lab




Lenhart is a very natural and driven performer who will add the perfect touch to your special day. Her harp playing began at the age of seven, inspired by The Princess Diaries movie, and she has done many events since then. These include weddings, Christmas specials, parties, and other special / social events.

Lenhart has also done volunteer work, raising money for Interfaith Mission, as well, she has enjoyed entertaining at nursing homes, hospitals, and even baby showers.  Lenhart’s performing led to her interest and love for teaching. She currently does this in her home studio and welcomes anyone for a consultation.

“Harp has been apart of my life for a very long time. I was seven when I started. I watched the second Princess Diaries, which included a harp in the wedding scene, and I knew instantly, that was the instrument for me. I have performed in weddings, orchestras, and other social events.” – Lenhart
